Upcoming Shows
~Fine Arts Fiesta in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Dates: May 19, 20,21 and 22nd www.fineartsfiesta.org
~Three Rivers Arts Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. 9th-13th(I will be there) it runs 3rd-19th. They have 3 separate groups of days artists can display so, it is always new and fresh http://www.artsfestival.net/
~Manayunk Arts Festival in Philadelphia, Pa. Sponsored by Philadelphia Magazine June 25th and 26th http://www.manayunk.com/events.asp
~Three Rivers Arts Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. 9th-13th(I will be there) it runs 3rd-19th. They have 3 separate groups of days artists can display so, it is always new and fresh http://www.artsfestival.net/
~Manayunk Arts Festival in Philadelphia, Pa. Sponsored by Philadelphia Magazine June 25th and 26th http://www.manayunk.com/events.asp