Fun at Fiesta

We left Wednesday the 18th about 4pm and arrived at 8:30. This was only the second time to set up our Trimline canopy, it went well, dh is very mechanically oriented ;). We stayed at the Ramada which is right on the square and only pay $50 for 3 nights total, it is a sweet deal. The weather was a bit nippy, especially on Sunday, I am so very glad we bought a small heater. I also got 3 small dolls finished to go along with my Beaded Quilts on Nature Series and started a stone.
This year's show was the fullest it had ever been with artists but, the attendance was way down. I really loved seeing some of the same faces that I connected with last year. Thank you for tracking me down once again! You people make it all worth the trip and the nasty weather.
Taj Mahal performed Saturday evening, stayed at the Ramada and came down to the bar after the show. The other artists were so very excited and got autographs, one on his guitar. I felt so lame he did not ring a bell but, here is his page link . His style was wonderful!
