Penn Hills Club this Saturday open to the PUBLIC

I heard wrong, the Penn Hills Club Art Show is open to the public.
  • This Saturday, the 19th, from 12 til 4pm.
There will be a food court and many artists, toymakers and crafters available for total enjoyment!!!
Here is the address:
Penn Hills Club
146 Penn Hills Drive
Bradford, Pa. 16701
(RT 770 Miner Run Road )
turn left at the 2nd flashing red light outside of Custer City and after Beacon Light through the
cemetery on corner of 219
-The Club is about 3 miles down the road-


mybloomnart saidā€¦
you display your things so very beautifully!! Your much admired for your artistic flare!
stephaniedistler saidā€¦
thank-you Sherri! That was a wonderful compliment..