Sunday Blues

Well........I did not go to the show yesterday due to the FLU.
I still pretended that I was though...with packing the van, dressing ever so Christmas/artsy, got change, coffee-eed up, etc. etc. etc.
Then I called wonderful friend Pat for the 5th time, or so, to update her on what I was doing. I am, I am not...perhaps, possibly, maybe...........hmmmmmmmmmmm......maybe I could and then finally after much deliberation... I said if you don't see me there by 11 I definitely am not.
She has not told me yet if the show was a success or not. It really did not matter to me as much as that I wanted/needed to go to this event. I truly enjoy her and Sean's company
reminder of their work:
BradfordArtistOpenhouse0512kane artisan market
Aren't they talented artists!
I was so very depressed over the not going to this show. I needed to get out and around like minded individuals, my friends and the day was a stunning display of Fall to beat all.. It was just rubbing it in my face with the sun and warmth. OMGosh I thought I would lose it over this.
My girls went to my Mother's but, my nasty body would not cooperate and let me go. It held me prisoner for the day..... in my head anyway! LOL
DH took me for breakfast for fresh sausage patties, sunny eggs and real fried potatoes, to try to appease me. That was sweet... and then after quite a few hours and I was sure I could handle the drive, we drove to Jamestown for shopping at Sam's Club. I know, I know Wal-Mart/Sam's is the devil but, where else can you get tons of crap for a fraction of the price? We do a lot of shopping in our local small business type of shoppes too..
Was not a total waste of one's day.....
Pat and Sean probably had tremendous sales and very enlightening conversations all day long though!


Anonymous said…
You drive to Jamestown to get to a Sam's Club? How long does that take you? I must be a faint heart--my nearest one is 20 miles and that's too far for me.

Hope you feel better.
Well my Dear when nothing is near, one must venture forth into the great blue yonder, ;)...
Hey I just listed your blog...what a fresh outlook you have!
very enjoyable
Roberta said…
Get well soon, Stephanie!

I really admire your work and work of other artistis you share here. Thanks for lovely blog where I can rest my eyes!
I added you also..I can't believe that I did not blogroll you two earlier..
Thank-you for the very kind words!
Roberta said…
Thanks a lot, Stephanie... though I must say it was not my intention to be blogrolled, really. I just like your blog a lot. And now... I'm honored!!! :)

Have a nice day!