English dish and custard topping

A centurys old recipe from England that my eldest has been wanting to try for a few years now called Spotted Dick. It is very good! Lou loves Jamie Oliver. Her and a good friend were going through the PVR and all the Oliver Twists the other night.
Her Father and I were away for the evening so, when we arrived home she had this treat waiting for us.
She made a custard sauce instead of Golden Syrup for the topping.


Priestess~Harper saidā€¦
Ahh Spotted Dick ~ the curse of British school children everywhere! *chuckle* Actually, done well it is a wonderful pudding. Done badly, it can qualify as a Weapon of Mass Destruction! *lol*
Anonymous saidā€¦
Looks delish. Kids who cook are great. My DD made my grandma's ginger cookies on Christmas--very nostalgic for me.
stephaniedistler saidā€¦
It did not raise like she thought it would have and stayed rather dense, but overall very tasty. I am not sure what golden syrup is. When I searched for it I came up with different explanations. Is it something like caramel or Eagle Brand Milk perhaps?
Priestess~Harper saidā€¦

Think of clear, golden molassassessssess (oops, too many 's's!) in consistancy. Best licked off a large spoon . . .
