Annual Civil War Bean Dinner

REVIVAL of the Historical JBG

Civil War Bean Dinner

As originally served by the Women’s Relief Corp to Benefit Civil War Veterans in the 1920’s

February 21st

4:00 ‘til 6:00

COST: $6.50 per dinner


The Historic Johnsonburg Community Center Gymnasium

Sponsored by: Recreational Board/Arts and Culture Committee


Home-made baked beans, cornbread,

Hot and cold potato salad, apple sauce, bread & butter pickles and molasses spice cake w/cream


-A special remote from WLMI of Kane

~Speakers Larissa Distler (media arts & her Documentary on Johnsonburg) and Georgeanne Freeburg along with other special guests with Civil War memorabilia

~A Civil War display in the Gymnasium coordinated by Georgeanne Freeburg for all to view

****Reservations for large groups requested

To Benefit

Johnsonburg Community Center Restoration


The rebuilding of the

Decker Memorial
