Recent Taste of the Arts Participation
Taste of the Arts was a great show! The show is just 10 minutes from my house and a nice way to touch base with friends, local artists and new clients. I sold quite a few anklets and vintage/retro button rings during the course of the day along with a few higher end necklaces making it a pretty fair success.
I was next to a very talented photographer Molly Welpott
My good friend Bobbi was also there as a vendor as well as organizing the event for she is the artistic coordinator at our local Arts Council. Bobbi also makes artisan jewelry! Her work is pretty amazing :)
I was next to a very talented photographer Molly Welpott
We had a fab time comparing notes on our social media networking and our love of Pinterest. Here is a link to all of my boards and pins on Pinterest
My good friend Bobbi was also there as a vendor as well as organizing the event for she is the artistic coordinator at our local Arts Council. Bobbi also makes artisan jewelry! Her work is pretty amazing :)