Boot Hunt

I have been on a boot hunt all winter long and had yet to find that perfect pair.  The perfect pair is something to just slip on as I head to the studio or run errands.  I thought I found them but, no, no...if there was a zipper that would have been fabulous for the top was toooo narrow.  If I would have read the reviews I would not have ordered and had to find a UPS drop off for them today.

Here is what I went with after much debate of course the Sorel 1964:
I have Amazon Prime so they will be at my door tomorrow, tomorrow ;)
The forecast is pretty nasty for the next couple days and I need to get out of the house exploring the countryside, I do, I do, I really do....
 I loved my ducks from years ago just tossing them last year and have not found a decent replacement.
I think turquoise or aqua laces are needed though, maybe even a dark teal.....

