A Producer-only Farmers' and Artisans' Market was born

This year a friend and I started the Johnsonburg Farmers' and Artisans' Market on Market Street, Johnsonburg's historic district. The focus is on #produceronly #PAWildsmade vendors and #grownwithlove produce.

#supportingacommunity #creatingaTRIBE #madewiththesehands #johnsonburgPA #PAWilds

The season rain from June 23rd and ended September 15th.  A fun urban sketching meet-up happened also on our last day!

A few from the group

JFAM also had special events including the Night Market during Johnsonburg's Alumni and Friends reunion weekend!

Nancy and I have great big beautiful plans for next year's JFAM!  Winter is for planning and perhaps a few surprises :)

stay safe, take care-
